Rush Act Tribute

Rush Act Tribute 

 First Lieutenant Cleveland Ray "Butch" Harvey

First Lieutenant Cleveland Ray "Butch" Harvey

Was a member of Company "B," 1st Recon Battalion, 1st Marine Division (MarDiv), III Marine Amphibious Force (MAF). He died in Vietnam on 18 November 1970. His final resting place is Arlington National Cemetery. He is a recipient of the following awards/service ribbons: (1) Bronze Star Medal w/ "V" for Valor; (2) Purple Heart; (3) National Defense Service Medal; (4) Vietnam Service Medal; (5) Vietnam Campaign Medal; (6) Combat Action Ribbon. His name is on the Vietnam Memorial on The Mall in Washington, DC; Panel 6 West, Line 67. His name is chiseled into stone beneath a Gold Star on a bench at the Captain Rocky Versace Plaza and Vietnam Veterans Memorial, Alexandria, VA.


1stLt Cleveland R. "Butch" Harvey was one of the Marines who served with HMM-263, MAG-16, 1stMAW and the 1st Recon Bn, 1st MarDiv in 1970. On November 18, 1970, Butch, along with 14 other Marines perished in the single crash of a CH-46D.

During an emergency extraction of the recon team (Rush Act), the helicopter flew into a mountain after leaving the pick-up site.

Take a minute to say a prayer for the crew and passengers. They were (CREW) 1stLt Orville C. Rogers Jr., 1stLt James E. Stolz Jr., Sgt. Robert A. Donnell II, Cpl Enver Bajin, LCpl Richard R. Buttry, (PASSENGERS) LtCol William G. Leftwich Jr., 1stLt Cleveland R. "Butch" Harvey, HM2 Russell G. Daniels, Cpl Randall P. Manela, Cpl John F. Stockman, Cpl Fernando Villasana, LCpl David V. Delozier, LCpl Gary D. Hudson, LCpl Charles A, Pope Jr., and LCpl Robert E. Tucker.  

Semper Fi!

Cleveland Ray Harvey
First Lieutenant, U.S. Marine Corps

Medals and Awards

Bronze Star Medal with Valor Device
Purple Heart
Combat Action Ribbon
National Defense Service Medal
Vietnam Service Medal
Vietnam Campaign Medal

Bronze Star Medal Citation

For meritorious service in connection with combat operations against the enemy of the Republic of Vietnam while serving with the First Marine Division from 13 July to 18 November 1970. Throughout this period, First Lieutenant Harvey performed his duties in an exemplary and highly professional manner. Initially assigned as a Platoon Commander with Company L, Third Battalion, Seventh Marines, he diligently trained his men and quickly molded them into a cohesive and aggressive fighting unit fully capable of responding to any tactical situation. Additionally, when not committed to active combat, he conducted comprehensive instruction in various military subjects to ensure that his men were fully knowledgeable in both offensive and defensive tactics and the information thus acquired, coupled with First Lieutenant Harvey's leadership, was a telling factor in the many successes achieved by his unit. Reassigned as a Platoon Commander with Company B, First Reconnaissance Battalion on 14 October 1970, he continued to distinguish himself by his outstanding performance of duty and by his courage and composure under fire while moving to dangerously exposed vantage points from which to observe enemy activities and control the fire and maneuver of his men. First Lieutenant Harvey's professionalism, tireless efforts, and steadfast devotion to duty earned the respect and admiration of all who served with him and were in keeping with the highest traditions of the Marine Corps and of the United States Naval Service.

The Combat Distinguishing Device is authorized.


First Lieutenant Cleveland Ray Harvey is buried at Arlington National Cemetery in Arlington, Arlington County, VA, in Section 7, Site 9050-1.


The name Cleveland R Harvey is located on Panel 6W Line 67 of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall.

Last Known Activity

On 18 Nov 1970 a call came in that a recon team was in trouble and Lt Chip Morin, was going to take the rescue team out but Lt Harvey realized that the SOP called for the senior officer to take the rescue chopper out and that was himself. Lt. Harvey gave all of the money out of his pocket and told Lt Morin to go to the Freedom Hill PX and get all the beer he could buy because "The guys are going to be thirsty after this one." By the time Lt Morin got back from the PX thirty minutes later he found out that the chopper was down and they were all dead. They called Lt Harvey by his nickname of "Butch". Lt Harvey was a highly respected and admired officer by the officers and enlisted alike.

In mid-November 1970 a Recon team of the 1st Recon Bn got into trouble when their Corpsman Doc Daniels, broke his leg which required the team be extracted. A task that turned out to be impossible for two days. On the third day a CH-46D (BuNo 154837), the HMM-263 crew succeeded in picking up the eight-man team - but all fifteen aboard the CH-46 died when it collided with a mountainside after the extraction. 1stLt Harvey was a member of the Recon Team and was from Alexandria, VA.

Personal Recollection