Cpl Joseph Walter Lyons "Joe"

Corporal, U.S. Marine Corps

CPL Lyons was killed in action in the Thua Thien Province of Vietnam in June 1968. A native of Louisville, Kentucky, Joseph Lyons had moved to Phoenix in 1954. He graduated from Camelback High School in 1964 and attended Phoenix College before joining the Marines in 1966. CPL Lyons was a rifleman with the 1st Force Reconnaissance Company of the 1st Reconnaissance Battalion in the 1st Marine Division and was awarded the Silver Star and Purple Heart.

(Source: Arizona Republic, June 22, 1968)

Cpl Lyons' name is located on the Wall at Panel 60W, Line 019.

Silver Star Citation

Awarded for actions during the Vietnam War

The President of the United States of America takes pride in presenting the Silver Star (Posthumously) to Corporal Joseph Walter Lyons (MCSN: 2315470), United States Marine Corps, for conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity in action while serving as a Scout with the First Force Reconnaissance Company, 1st Reconnaissance Battalion, FIRST Marine Division (Rein.), FMF, in connection with operations against the enemy in the Republic of Vietnam. On 5 June 1968, Corporal Lyons was Rear Security for a ten-man long range reconnaissance patrol in Thua Thien Province. As the Marines prepared to continue their movement after a temporary halt, they suddenly came under intense automatic weapons fire from a numerically superior North Vietnamese Army force, seriously wounding Corporal Lyons. Ignoring his painful injury, he unhesitatingly directed a heavy volume of suppressive fire upon the enemy soldiers, which pinpointed their positions. Despite being wounded twice more, Corporal Lyons fearlessly continued to deliver accurate fire upon the hostile soldiers until he succumbed to his wounds. His heroic and timely actions were an inspiration to all who served with him and enabled his comrades to inflict numerous casualties on the enemy force. By his courage, bold initiative and selfless devotion to duty, Corporal Lyons contributed significantly to the accomplishment of his unit's mission and upheld the highest traditions of the Marine Corps and of the United States Naval Service. He gallantly gave his life for his country.

Action Date: 5-Jun-68

Service: Marine Corps

Rank: Corporal

Company: 1st Force Reconnaissance Company

Battalion: 1st Reconnaissance Battalion

Division: 1st Marine Division (Rein.), FMF

October 2, 1945 - June 5, 1968

1. L/Cpl Samuel D. "Sammy" CARVER
2. Cpl Edward "Ed" "Pee Wee" PALMER
3. L/Cpl Andrew K. "Andy" BASSETT
4. PFC R. CURRIE Radioman
5. L/Cpl Terrell A. "Terry" CAMPBELL
6. Cpl Michael J. "Mike" LYNCH
7. UNKNOWN maybe L/Cpl Joe S. WHEELER {Not on the Lyons Patrol}
8. Cpl Harold R. "Hal" WEST
9. LCpl Robert REGAN {Not on the Lyons Patrol}
10. Sgt Robert F. "Bob" BUDA {Not on the Lyons Patrol}

Those missing on this photo that were on the patrol Cpl Lyons was killed:
Cpl Joseph W. "Joe" LYONS(KIA 6/5/1968)
HM3 Jack Allan "Doc" STAUFFER
PFC Steven L. BARRETT (Serious WIA 6/5/1968)

This photo includes eight members that were on the patrol Cpl Lyons was killed. 1st Force Recon 3rd Platoon Team "Record" Phu Bai 1968

Your granddaughter has your beautiful smile!

Granddaughter --- Grandfather

Remembering My Father, My Hero Joe Lyons

Today is Easter, 2018... a beautiful reminder that I will see you again some day! Not a day goes by that I don't think of you! I can't believe it's been over 50 years now since I saw you last..that makes my heart so sad, but I cherish the memories I have of you and am so thankful to see you in your grandchildren. Josh really looks a lot like you! He's your age now when you were over in Vietnam... I can't believe it... Natasha also has your beautiful smile!
I am still very close with your brothers that made it home! I'm an honorary member of the Force Recon Association and attend the reunions in your place. They really live their motto... Semper Fi! Always Faithful! I know you had a heavenly hand involved in bringing us all together so many years ago. They keep you alive and close! The younger Force Recon Marines also honor and remember your sacrifice.
As you know, two years ago I followed in your footsteps over in Vietnam...It was just one more piece of getting to know you as a Marine. I saw where you went on some of your patrols such as Hai Van Pass and the recon dive on the Perfume River... We held a service with other Vietnam Veterans at the site where you gave your full last measure... where you paid the ultimate sacrifice...where you took your last breath before leaving behind this earthly life... The tears came, but so did some healing... The country is beautiful and the people were kind and gracious. YOU ARE MY HERO DADDY!!
Some day I am going to give you the BIGGEST HUG POSSIBLE, but until then I carry you in my heart!
I love you and miss you so very very much!! I am so very thankful and proud to be your daughter!!! I send love and hugs to heaven as I do every day! Always and forever, your loving daughter, Kimberlee Photo Taken at Site in Thua Thien where dad was killed.

Joe, you and so many other Camelback Spartans who paid the ULTIMATE PRICE for freedom here and around the world will ALWAYS remembered

I am a senior at Gridley High School. I write this remembrance to you as part of the Gridley High School Posting Project, a project that makes sure that those men and women who served during the Vietnam War are not forgotten. I am very proud of you, Joseph, for fighting for and sacrificing your life for the freedom of those in Vietnam. What you did was very noble, and you have my gratitude. You make me proud to be an American. Rest in peace, brave soldier.

A night time visit to the Wall after the crowd has left to touch your name. 2015 We are your legacy... My kids and I carry you in our hearts and hope to make you proud. I love you daddy!!

Rest in Peace Marine

Thanks for stopping by today...

Cpl Joseph Walter Lyons "Joe"