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Last Update 1/27/22

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I love my papa so much, I know he is fighting

Curtis Gruetzmacher let your papa know that Luana/Gritz is praying for him.

Danielle Jean 
March 17 at 8:03 PM ·  
I love my papa so much, I know he is fighting❣️

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Roger G. Flygare Marines never give up SEMPER FI!

Shirley Craighead Mihelich Right On!!!

Andre Shaffer We’ve never met, but I’m praying for you and Jim...

Vicki Hermann Vaux Prayers from a high school classmate.

Kim Wilds Hughes

Mike Cooper Fight on brother

Susan Chytil Newton Sending so many prayers for healing. Love heals all. 

Robyn Fossos Homa Now I am crying!! Love you baby girl!! He is so proud of you!! XO and I got food now I am not so grumpy xoxo mom

Vicki Hermann Vaux Robyn Fossos Homa I am a WS classmate! Have known your Dad for well over 50 years. Praying for all of you.

Tyler Lee Westcott Thinking of you guys sending our love❤️

John Stadler Is he still in icu?
How’s he doing now?

Christina Threlkeld PRAYERS!!!!

Lionel 'Chippy' Forde Sorry to hear. Praying for him.

Jan Pleasance My heart saddens to hear such a great man and his family are hurting.

Milo Rusimovich Please give James my very best and a big hug. He will overcome this. Semper Fi from his Canadian brother Recon Marine

Milo Rusimovich Is he still in ICU?

Adelle Hermann Comfort Lifting all of you up in prayer ! Jim is loved.

Greg Bennett My family & I are praying for Jim and his family.

Marit Onsøien Strøm He is a real fighter, One of the best we have met! Thinking of you all! Give him a big hug and good wishes from cousins in Norway! Praying for him

Robert Buehl Jr. You’re in my prayers brother

 Recon tough can handle anything. Semper fi, Doc B

Michael Nakamichi James Fossos, you are the Man!! My prayers Brother.

Tom Agnew Get well my brother

David Daniels There is a lot of love for James A Fossos! He's been a warrior for what's right for a long time. Prayers for him and his family.

Armando Zapata Always a Fighter....more than thoughts....more than memories...hang in there Jim!!

Lorraine Drozdowsky Prayers continue and hoping for the best. Love to all

Mary Hatherell Deede Good thoughts and prayers!!

Kay Trepanier What is wrong, Jim?
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Kay Trepanier You are always smiling and drawing the most beautiful roses.

Mavis Clark Special picture.

Robert Stenehjem God Bless you Jim ,friends for 62 years.

Claire Wilson Thinking of all of you! Get well soon James A Fossos!

Robyn Fossos Homa

Robyn Fossos Homa is with Jim Homa and 2 others.
March 18 at 4:16 AM

This prayer was shared with me and our family. Dear Heavenly Father,
We love you and praise you. You are the Almighty Healer and the Great Physician. We ask that you touch Jim and if it is your will, heal him we pray. Please give the Doctors wisdom. Be with the Medical Team and the Nursing staff. Give them compassion lord. And give peace and comfort to Robyn and Sharyn and their families. We ask all these things in your Sons Holy Name. Amen

To be honest I am in a twilight zone. We lost my father in law March 12th after a brief battle with congestive heart failure. He would of been 85 this month. He was a wonderful dad and grandfather and friend, we got our chance to say good bye, hug him hold him peacefully at home, though the final hours we not peaceful there was suffering but he went the way he wanted at home... And in in the mist of grieving our loss.. my dad and kids other papa is in harborview with tubes and gaging every now and then but it seems like he's not there and it hurts so much. I want my dad! I want to tell him all things is to our family and his friends!
You are all amazing, your post, the stories you've shared! My dad is a loved man and this brings me joy in the midst of all this pain. Thank you to everyone family and friends! Harborview staff has been amazing! Continued prayers for total healing and clarity on how to move forward. ❤️ Semper Fi

Jim Fossos

Chrissy Stafford Schafer So sorry Robyn! You all are in my prayers!

Patty Beck Robyn, I’m so sorry. I’m praying for you and your family.

Sue Daves My Love, Thoughts & Prayers are with all of you, especially Jim❤️❤️❤️❤️

Kim Galgano Praying for all of you!! 

Joelle Atkins Sending my thoughts and prayers to all of you! ❤️

Kerin Davy-Knowles Praying fir his recovery and your family’s peace and healing. I’m so sorry. Big hugs

Tami Garland Lovell Praying for you Robyn! Hugs!

Tana Russell  Praying for you Robyn.

Susie Scoones I said my prayers last night. And will continue to pray for Uncle Jim. Chris and I really enjoyed spending time with him in Norway and revisiting memories from when I was little and how kind he always was to me❣️ I was always so fascinated with the pictures he painted for my brother and I. I thought I had a famous relative 

Laura Williams Story Thoughts and prayers are with you and your family Robyn. What an emotional week you have had.

Shawn Thelen Amen, please know Jim is in our thoughts and prayers and that God is wrapping his arms around you all. 

Laura Thompson McGinnis Praying for your dad and your whole family.❤️

Cindy Shockley Moya Amen! Praying for your dads recovery and you and the whole faimly.

Patricia Magnuson Holding you all in my heart. Our WSHS '65 class is sending our best to one of our best!





















Scott Eliason Prayers for Jim, one of the good guys. A very large Army Hoooooahh for a quick and complete recovery.

Tara Boucher Moses Big prayers !!!❤️

Christi Kropf Praying for you, Robyn, and your whole family! Hope your dad pulls through this. Sorry for your recent loss of your father-in-law too. That's really, really tough. May God wrap HIs arms around you all and may He heal your Dad too!

Adelle Hermann Comfort I believe that they hear us even when we think they don't...so I would encourage saying everything you want to say to him. My husband 'awoke' to try to sing the Hallelujahs in the hymn "The Majesty and Glory of Your Name" which I was playing for him. May you feel the Holy Spirit in every corner of your Dad's room.

Patricia Berry Amen !

Dan Cossano So sorry to hear this. We will pray for him. Meredith works there and will looks for you

Kathy Bergevin Continued prayers for healing! Wisdom for you and the doctors. I pray the Peace of Christ would rule in your hearts! Hugs! Love you!

Cheryl Cole-Hurst You can do this Jim, WE LOVE YOU❤

Carl Gordon I'm praying for Jim

Bill Fuller As a fellow Commissioner at SKFR, I am praying he will soon be sitting beside me at our monthly meetings, comparing pens and asking when will we finally get that tillered aerial.

Julie Anne Pavola Your father and your family are in my prayers, Robyn. ❤️

Elaine Kirby Duffy Prayers continue for Jim.

McKay Njos Love you Robyn. Praying for you and your family during this difficult time. Love you and we are always here for you❤️

Patricia Berry Robyn .. everyone I know is praying for your dad <3 the update from the fire department made it all the way to Arizona .. So many of us from the class of '65 are pulling for him and praying all will be perfect. Adelle Herman Comfort said it perfectly…Talk to him and play music he loves. He loves the water and beaches so much, play some of those soothing relaxation tapes of water at the shore. When our dad had his aneurysm many many years ago .. they gave him less than a 1 % chance of even surviving surgery .. but the doctors at Harborview are the best of the best and God is a mighty healer .. our dad not only survived he lived another 30 plus years ! It took him a good week in ICU before he really "knew" we were there and probably another week or so before they took him off the ventilator .. but they have this down perfect there and your dad is in excellent hands. Praying for peace, comfort and strength for you and your family .. total healing for your dad and ... sending much love.

Shannon Bushong Prayers go out to you and your family🏻

Karen Shockley Praying for all of you Robyn🙏

Dwight Altenburg Prayers for recovery!

Debra Flewelling We are all sending your family positive healing thoughts.

Mavis Clark Praying for all of you.

Debbie Carpenter Maurer There is power and peace in those words of prayer. Sending you love and prayers, Robyn.

Terry Purtell  (praying) For my union Brother

David Marvin Amen!


Happening today

James A Fossos

Video posting on facebook

March 15th, 2019 at 12:23 PM


Click Here  


James A Fossos shared a post.
March 15th, 2019 at 11:32 PM

Jim Fossos

Jim Fossos


August 26, 2018


James & Mary Fossos


Lives in Des Moines, Washington

Married since May 25, 1987

1st Marine Division Association
Deputy Vice President West · February 20, 2017 to present · Oceanside, California

Seargent United States Marine Corps (almost 4 Years) 1st Recon Bn B Company.

Former Firefighter at Seattle Fire Department (31 Years)

Went to West Seattle High School

Studied Fire Command Administration/Supervision & Management at North and South Seattle Community College

James A Fossos

My beautiful wife and our now departed pups. We really miss them so much..

Newest Update

March 30, 2019
Journal entry by James Fossos — Mar 30, 2019
With Dad today, Robyn and Danielle were here yesterday.  Mixed emotions, we are happy he no longer has to be in ICU, but sad because he now does not get the same attention as he has previously.  He is in a room that occupies a roommate and is very tiny, 1 nurse to 4 patients. He is pretty confused and that concerns us, still staying positive though.  Just want my dad back....Sharyn

On July 2, 2019 at 3:58 PM Doc Lakernick wrote: Subject: Dave Apgar and Jim Fossos update. Message: For those of you that did not know Dave had a Heart Attack 7 weeks ago and is in rehab and not permitted to travel and as of last Wednesday told me he would not make this years Reunion and wants everyone to have a great time. Jim Fossos doctors have told his family that he is not going to be able to travel for the foreseeable future. So Jim will not be in attendance this year also.

1st Recon Battalion Association
from: Dave Doc Snider · 1/25/2022

1st Reconnaissance Battalion Association Members:

I am saddened to report that Jim Fossos has passed away following a long illness. A proud and dedicated Marine, Jim served with Bravo Company in Vietnam.

He was a founding member of 1st Recon Battalion Association and served as Association Treasurer. Jim gave generously of his time and talent. He touched many of us and he will be greatly missed by his family and Recon teammates.

Our condolences to Jim's family.
Rest in peace Marine.
Semper Fidelis!

Charlie Kershaw
1st Reconnaissance Battalion Association

New Update! 1/25th/2022 6:30 PM

Rest in Peace Jim

Mike Shokatz
R.I.P. brother, an outstanding Marine that will be greatly missed. Semper Fi

Mark Curtis
R.I.P. Brother…..Semper Fi

Brian Hatches

Richard Nobles
Rest In Peace… Semper Fi

Joe Whitmire
RIP. Losing people more frequently. Too bad

Dennis Atchison
R.I.P. Semper fi

Glenn Makoutz
Rest in peace. God bless

Victor D Rodriguez
May be an image of one or more people and text

Clifford Moffitt
Rest In Peace brother….


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