The 1st Reconnaissance Battalion Memorial is a black granite monument standing 101” high and 36” wide, mounted on a 48” x 20” base. The two hundred sixty-two
Recon Marines and Corpsmen who lost their lives in combat with1st Reconnaissance Battalion will have their rank, name, age at death and home state engraved on the face of the monument. 1st Reconnaissance Battalion Commemorative Bricks will line the pathway adjacent to our memorial.



Larry Feldman: May 17 at 9:06 PM

We will be laying a wreath at the Recon memorial in triangle Virginia. On May 27 at 12 noon. The address is 3987 Jefferson Davis Blvd. triangle Virginia hope to see you there open to all we like to have a good attendance this year. Thank you.


Linda & Floyd Ruggles at Fort Snelling National Cemetery 2023