55th Reunion Special Edition!

North High School Class of 1966


High School

Class of 1966

55th Reunion

You are not forgotten while I am still on patrol.

Class of 1966 Involvement in the Vietnam War.

North High School Class of 1966 Involvement in the Vietnam War.

Thanks for coming  our to our  55th Reunion

Saturday August 28th, 2021
Charles Knaeble (Crystall) VFW Post #494




High School

Class of 1966

55th Reunion


North High School


High School

Class of 1966

Richard Michael Hilt

KIA February 13th,1969


High School

Class of 1966

Richard Michael Hilt

KIA December 10th,1967

Sergeant  Army - Age 21


High School

Class of 1966

Steven Howard Nelson

Steven H Nelson

KIA February 13th,1969

LCPL Marine Corps - Age 20

KIA December 10th,1967

KIA March 25th,1969

Sergeant  Army - Age 21

David Allen Weber

David Allen Weber

KIA March 25th,1969

Last Known Activity

A personal account of the Delta Company ambush, March 25, 1969:

We hit a hot LZ and headed for a treeline. My platoon was in the lead. When my four lead men were about 15 meters from the trees the enemy opened fire. The point went down instantly. We had walked right into an ambush, an L-shaped bunker complex, and they had us. We worked to recover the four point men and got one, but could not reach the rest. They had us pinned down under heavy fire and tried to flank us. We later found out we were facing a reinforced company of NVA regulars. The Battalion C&C (Command and Control) chopper came on station overhead. They called for one of our sister companies, Bravo, to move in to help us. They came in and drew heavy fire, and soon they were pinned down too. They lost a lieutenant right off the bat, along with several of his platoon. The medevacs that flew in to get our wounded drew heavy fire and could not land. The C&C called for more ARTY and F-4's. We spent all day trying to reach my three remaining point men. We could get within 20 or 30 meters, but no closer. They did not respond to any calls or signals. I lost one of my best platoon sergeants and several other men trying to get to them. At dark the Battalion Commanding Officer ordered us to pull back and establish a NDP (Night Defensive Perimeter). Later that night one of our listening posts popped a claymore and dragged an NVA in brand new clothes and web gear into the perimeter. I remember one of my point men making it back to the NDP with napalm burns. He told me the other two were killed in the first few minutes of the fight. The next morning the enemy was gone, and we went back in and retrieved the other two.

Lt. Howard W. Mitchell
3rd Plt Ldr, D. Co., 2/14 IN

The four men killed in action on March 25, 1969:

SSG Gary Michael Brannon, Delta Company
SSG Lewis Eugene Sampler, Delta Company
Sgt. David Allen Weber, Delta Company
1Lt. Jimmy Dale Bean , Bravo Company

North High School Class of 1966 Involvement in the Vietnam War.


David Weber

Richard Michael Hilt

Steven Howard Nelson

David Allen Weber

North High School Class of 1966 Involvement in the Vietnam War.