Roger Toby LaRue

Memorial Video

November 29, 1949 - February 4th, 2021

Mr. Roger Toby LaRue, a dedicated family man, and a decorated police officer of more than 25 years, died Thursday, February 4th, 2021 at Olathe Medical Center. Son of Elton and Alice “Toby” LaRue, Roger was born November 29, 1949 in Russell, Kansas. He attended the public schools of Russell, Kansas and grew up hunting the prairie for fossils, pheasant, and deer with his friends.

Roger served in the Vietnam War, reenlisting twice for a total of two tours; Roger served with distinction in the Marine Corps. Serving in the 1st Reconnaissance Battalion, he was a prisoner of war, and was awarded the Purple Heart. After he returned to Kansas the 71-year-old built a life around continuing service to the community he lived in.

After the war, he attended Fort Hayes State and graduated with a degree in criminal justice. He got his first job in Hays, Kansas as a police officer, but afterwards moved to Olathe, Kansas and began a career on the Olathe Police Department. He lived in and served the community of Olathe most of his life.

Roger was known to bring his work home on occasion. The best example may be his first wife Sandra LaRue (Barker) who he met after he pulled her over for speeding. “He pulled me over, chided me for speeding, and struck up a conversation like it was nothing” said Sandra. Roger and Sandra raised two boys, Michael and David.

While working in law enforcement Roger did it all. Starting as a uniformed officer, later working undercover in narcotics cases, and retiring as a detective on the metro squad, he worked all across the Kansas City metro on major cases. He was recognized with many awards, but never one to brag or seek credit they mostly sat in boxes in his basement. Instead, his home had photos of his family on the walls.

Roger remarried to Pam LaRue (Brown). Pam and Roger lived together in Olathe with their combined family. Their home was always open for a meal or a place to stay to anyone in need. Over the years, they opened their home and hearts to several children who needed a home. Roger never met a stranger and every child in his home was family,

An avid hunter, boater, and fisherman, Roger enjoyed eating and drinking with his friends and family at Pamona Lake with his dogs by his side.

Mr. LaRue is survived by his sons Michael and David LaRue, Step-Daughter Aubrey J Haehn, sister Holli Maupin, and nine grandchildren.

Memorials are suggested to Paws for Purple Hearts, visit to make a donation in memory of Roger.

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To view the service, please click on the link below to view the service.

Delta Company 2/69-2/70

I talked a lot with Roger through email. He reached out to me on my first deployment to Iraq. He got my info from his Marine buddy John Townsley. Anyway, he would share his lessons learned from Vietnam with me. Some applicable some not. I read a lot on my deployments, and came across a book where he was a military advisor on it. I told him about that and he said he advised on a few books. I always looked forward to the emails. He was a fascinating person, and I'm glad I had the chance to know him. My heart goes out to his family.

Susan Weathers
August 16, 2021

I am Roger's long lost cousin from his father's side. It was only today that I learned of his passing two years ago. Although we had lost touch with one another since our last meeting over 50 years ago, it had always been my intention to look him up one day on my next journey back to America. Roger and I were born within a month of each other and would occasionally play together as toddlers at our grandmother's house in Salina. I recall spending a week with Roger in Russell as a youth fishing and assisting him with his paper route. Seeing his photos in the memorial tribute saddened me greatly that I had not stayed in touch with him over the years. As Roger aged he looked more and more like his father Elton. Elt epitomized strength, integrity and moral character which are traits no doubt Roger also possessed. Although I did not know Roger as an adult, I feel like I've known him all his life strange as it might seem. My sincere condolences to his family on the second anniversary of his passing.

Robert LaRue
February 02, 2023

Bob was in the Marines with Roger - Vietnam Recon. They would tell stories and laugh and laugh... I can hear his laugh even now. Roger was brave, humble, and set in his ways. I got to meet Roger and his wife Pan in 2000 when he went to a Marine reunion in San Diego. Love the entire event and kept in touch. Just wish we could have spent more time with both of them. Bob deeply remembers what a brave Marine Roger was. And there is a saying - Once a Marine Always a Marine - yes that's true. We also got the pleasure of going to back to Vietnam with Roger and (Hugh Grossman) along with a few other great people. It was a great experience to actually see the country called Vietnam and learn that the people loved the Marines - because they were honorable warriors. My best memory is of Bob, Roger and Hugh looking over a bridge talking - when out of a hut came running 5 or 6 Vietnamese men in uniform coming towards them..... yelling (they were excited). And I got to watch all three of them reach for their no-where to be found weapon because they all freaked out and just started walking quickly towards the group. I wish I had a picture to share of that event because once they realized these were friends - they all started laughing - but it caused them to flashback to 'that time'.... I guess you would have to see it to understand how funny it was, and how they reacted then realized how funny it was. We'll miss Roger and send blessings and prayers to his friends, family and loved ones. May you all keep his memory alive by sharing your stories to people.... I have and will. Hugs to all and Prayers

Bob & Shery Gwinn
February 09, 2021

I worked with Roger at the police department. He was a very knowledgeable detective. As a new officer I had learned early on to search him out if I had questions. He was always willing to help or answer my questions. He never made me feel like I was bothering him went I contacted him. He always had a smile on his face and a gave me a friendly greeting. Our thought and prayers go out to his family and friends. Tom and Tammy

Thomas Foxworthy
February 10, 2021

Thanks for stopping by today..