Reuniting all eras of Marine Corps' 1st Recon Battalion, including members of the 1st Force Recon Company, Deep Reconnaissance Platoon and the Amphibious Recon Company. Membership into this association of special warriors is free. The association's "Patrol Report" is published twice yearly with reunion information and other Recon news.

Join by clicking on the Application link at the top of this page,it's free.

To find someone you served with

Click on the Members link at the top of this page.

This Website is a Work in Progrees


Donations can be sent to the Association Treasurer:

Creg Howland
43761 Churchill Glen Drive
Chantilly, VA 20152

Make donations payable to The 1st Recon Association

Commemorative Bricks

Commemorative Bricks will line the winding pathways in the Semper Fidelis Memorial Park. 1st Reconnaissance Battalion Association members, family and friends are invited to donate a commemorative brick to honor a reconnaissance Marine or Corpsman, living or deceased. 1st Recon Commemorative Bricks will be placed along the pathway in front and around our memorial. The Association is collecting 1st Recon commemorative brick donations and inscriptions and submitting them to the Marine Corps Heritage Foundation. Commemorative bricks may be ordered through the 1st Reconnaissance Battalion Association with a donation of $210.00 for each brick plus $5.00 for related postage with each order of one or more bricks.


Brick Engraving Guidelines. Each brick may have no more than three lines; each line may be 20 characters in length (a character includes all letters, punctuations and spaces). Each line must end with a complete word or name (words and names will not be hyphenated and continued on the next line). You may purchase as many bricks as you like. Examples of commemorative brick inscriptions are provided below.

Order your Commemorative Brick(s) and submit your contact information (name, mailing address, phone number(s), and email address) along with a check or money order and your brick inscription to the 1st Recon Battalion Association at the address below. The MC Heritage Foundation will provide a proof copy of each brick inscription before it is engraved. Ensure you send your contact information in case there are questions about your inscription. Thank you for your support of the 1st Reconnaissance Battalion Memorial and Commemorative Bricks. Commemorative Brick check or money order donations should be made out to: 1st Recon Battalion Association. Send your contact information with your $215.00 donation and brick inscription to: 1st Recon Battalion Association, c/o C. Kershaw, 2527 Unicornio Street, Carlsbad, CA 92009. Call or email Charlie Kershaw with brick questions at: 760 402-8638 or

Memorial Day 2024

Semper Fidelis Memorial Park

Quantico, Virginia

The 1st Reconnaissance Battalion Association

We Remember

1st Recon Battalion Association

1st Reconnaissance Battalion Memorial Remembrance

Association Purpose

1st Recon Battalion Association Website is a work in Progrees.

I'm looking for suggestions on how all the members want the website to look come August 2024. Get involved email me at:

1st Recon Bn Association


1st Recon Battalion


Post it Here Meeting & Events Photgraphs

1st Reconnaissance Battalion

Thank You





Click Here part 1 of 17

Taps 21 parts

 click here

PFC Ralph Henry Johnson

PFC Thomas E Jenning

Operation "Rock"

Lt. Clebe McClary

Click a photo to link to a page on our website. Links are found on nearly all Web pages. Links allow users to click their way from page to page. Our Website Navigator is at the top of each page.

"This website makes me proud I served" Email sent in July 17th, 2019 from Buddy AKA Ryder Haskell Delta Company 66-67. Thanks Ryder 

Dong Den Photos

New Members

Floyd Ruggles 

Please keep your contact INFO up to date.

This will allow the Association to send out messages from time to time.

Thank You,

This Website is

90 Months Old

November 9th, 2024

Memorial Day 2017 - 2024

1st Recon Battalion Association

Members Photos

Your Webmaster

Camp Reasoner 2016


              They came this way but once. Yet, they               touched our lives in many ways while they were here. We shall remain eternally grateful for their friendship and for the influence each bestowed upon us.

Click the photo

Ron Overton

Steven Plunkett
1/9/50 - 5/28/18

Steven Michael Mace


Bill Smith

Terry L Moore

October 17th, 2018

Email from Mike Collins:

Floyd, Here is the website and incident report from HMH 364 Purple Fox regrading the helicopter crash we were involved during resupplying our OP. The crew chief Charlie Bassett posted the report on their website. My son Patrick found it. After reading he referenced that he knew I was Medivaced to Japan but didn't know if I survived. I contacted Charlie to let him know I did survive the crash. He asked me to add my recollection of that day and they added to their website. Maybe you can add this to our website. Thanks, Mike Collins

Floyd Ruggles 

Message from the 1st Recon Battalion Association Membership Director

Message from the 1st Recon Battalion Association Membership Director

Flag Raised on Mount Suribachi, Iwo Jima
23 February 1945

Message from the 1st Recon Battalion Association 

1st Recon Battalion Association is a non-profit organization of former and current members of the 1st Recon Battalion, 1st Marine Division.

Our mission is to help locate former Recon Marines and their families, and to recognize those who paid the ultimate price through the 1st Recon Memorial Fund which has established and will help maintain the permanent memorial at the Marine Corps Historical Museum at Camp Quantico Virginia.





SECTION 1. CRITERIA. All Marine and Navy personnel who were assigned to or were attached to the 1st Reconnaissance Battalion, 1st Marine Division are eligible for membership in the 1st Reconnaissance Battalion Association.

SECTION 2. ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP. The 1st Reconnaissance Battalion Association may grant Associate Membership to any parent, spouse, child or sibling of anyone, living or deceased, who was assigned or attached to the 1st Reconnaissance Battalion, 1st Marine Division and friends and supporters of the association. Associate Members shall not exceed 20% of the general members of the association. Associate Members may participate in Association events, except the general membership meeting and have no voting rights at Association meetings.

SECTION 3. DECEASED MEMBERS. All who met the aforementioned qualifications for membership and are deceased will be carried on the Association's deceased member rolls as they become known.

SECTION 4. DUES. Association members have no mandatory dues. However, Members and Associate Members are encouraged to make donations, annually, to help defray the Association's operating expenses.

An annual donation of $10.00 is suggested.

For more Info on our By-Laws

New Applications are pending approval by the President and/or the Secretary of the 1st Recon Battalion Association. It may take a week once the member is posted on our website.

Jim Fossos has passed away 

Mike, I apologize for the delay in your updates to this website.

Check out all the new updates.

Jim's Photo Albums

Names on new members for 2018-2024 

Join by clicking on the Application link at the top of this page.

Message from Rihard J Schadl  

August 30th, 2018 4:45pm

Subject: Death Notification


Message: It is with great sorrow that I pass on information about the death of Bruce Ware. Bruce served as commander of 3rd platoon, Echo Company, 1st Recon from December 1967 to December 1968. He died August 28th, 2018. Semper Fi, RJ Schadl

Bruce Ware

December 18th, 2018

Message from Emily Martin

Subject: USNI Photo Request

I am the photo researcher for the U.S. Naval Institute, a non-profit located in Annapolis Maryland. For the upcoming issue of Naval History, our bi-monthly periodical, we are featuring an article by a former Navy Hospital Corpsman assigned to Charlies Company, 1st Reconnaissabce Battalion, 1st Marine Division in 1967.

His article covers a patrol he was on in May 1967 out of Da Nang. We're looking for photos from the time period of 1st Recon Battalion with Corpsman on patrol.

Is it possible that any of your members might be able to help?

Please let me know if you have any questions and I look forward to hearing from you.

Thank you,

Emily Martin

Corpsman, Up! 

A Navy corpsman in the Vietnam War pens a gripping firsthand account of the night in 1967 that still haunts him to this day.

Naval History Magazine - April 2019 Volume 33, Number 2

By Ralph DiPietro

Louisville, Kentucky


SGT John Sleeper

John Sr. & Patricia Peeples

John Peeples Jr., son of SSgt Peeples

John & Patricia

Good Morning, 

My name is John Peeples Jr., son of SSgt Peeples, John of Delta Company 1st Recon Bn. Marines 1967.  I wanted to update your records that my father passed away from agent orange/ cancer throughout his whole body and brain.  He passed in October 2008.  He is remembered by his wife Patricia, Daughter Julie and his son John Peeples Jr.  He has a grandson named after him John Peeples III, who is 18 years old. 

Edward Henry

Bravo Company Team: Chili Pepper

If someone wants to go back to Vietnam they can contact: David Snider "Doc" Phone: 513-607-9184 Email:


If someone wants to go back to Vietnam they can contact: David Snider "Doc" Email at:


Col. William "Doc" White USMC Ret.

Rodney H Pupuhi

Mike St Clair

Charlie Kershaw

Message from the 1st Recon Battalion Association Webmaster

Last update: 12/29/2024  - 11:00 AM

Must See!

Doc Terry Coffin

Alpha Company

Ken Androes

Delta Company

Updates June 30th, 2019

It is with deep sadness that we report the news of the death of Ciro Viento of Alpha Company. He will be greatly missed by his family & friends of 1st Recon. We give thanks for Ciro's life.

Ciro A. Viento

A Brave Marine's Last Words!

Cpl Frank James Montez

Alpha Company

1st Recon Battalion Association members

On July 2, 2019 at 3:58 PM   Doc Lakernick  wrote: Subject: Dave Apgar and Jim Fossos update. Message: For those of you that did not know Dave had a Heart Attack 7 weeks ago and is in rehab and not permitted to travel and as of last Wednesday told me he would not make this years Reunion and wants everyone to have a great time. Jim Fossos doctors have told his family that he is not going to be able to travel for the foreseeable future. So Jim will not be in attendance this year also.

1st Recon Bn  Association members please join FMDA

2018 Colorado Springs Reunion Photos

2018 Colorado Springs Reunion Photos

Dan Mulvihill,

Chuck Bosley, 

Rick Binns

Bernie Kuntz Bravo Company

2018 New Members


Steve "Doc" Lakernick


Doc's Obituary

*Members of the 1st Recon Battalion Association*
Below is a picture of a custom-made belt buckle which will be produced and offered for sale to members of the 1st Recon Battalion Association.

Plans are to take orders on or about June 15 for delivery to members attending the August reunion. Following the reunion, orders will be taken for delivery by mail.

The particulars concerning price and mailing costs are yet to be determined but will be published well before June 15.

We would like to gauge membership interest in order to help us anticipate the number of buckles that will be produced.

Please send me an e-mail,, if you would be interested in purchasing a buckle.


1st Recon Battalion Association

Belt Buckle

Dave Doc Snider,

Posted these photos on Facebook.
Me and Harry at Reasoner. The last time we were together there was following a nasty patrol into Dodge City. — with Harry Mundorff

Reconners, I just approved the addition of Thanh Trang to this group. Thang, pronounced Tang, is a Vietnamese guide that his guided over 20 1st Recon members around VN for the past 15 years.

He was the guide that led us to Camp Reasoner and the discovery of the main gate in 2011. He also found and led us to Howard's Hill. There were Eight 1st Bn Reconners on this trip. He has led 4 Recon only trips and will guide one more Recon only trip this March. He loosely meets our criteria for membership by providing support to the 1st Recon Bn Association. IF THERE IS OPPOSITION TO TANG’S INCLUSION, I WILL REMOVE HIM IMMEDIATELY. — with Thanh Tran, Harry Hayes and Daniel B Bracken.

Team “Stone Pit” 5th Platoon, 1st Force Reconnaissance Co.  

Send in your team photos.

On 5/2023, Charlie Kershaw <> wrote:

Charlie Kershaw

Stay Safe and Healthy Members!

2021-the present 


Jerry Hairston



Edward Reed Jr